All boats are to a greater or lesser extent built to a price; this means that even well build new boats can benefit from some careful additions. Parker Yachts are well known for their build quality and in latter years the internal joinery was particularly high quality. Never the less this Parker 335 was a bit short on storage in the saloon and the two side lockers were not a very efficient use of the available space.
In theory adding a shelf to each locker was simple, until you realise that a shelf which would reach across the locker would not fit through the door and if full width would restrict access to the lower half of the locker.
Clearly any modification to the original fitting needed to be of an appropriate standard and to blend in with the rest of the joinery.
The solution was shelves made in two sections that were assembled inside the locker and strengthened by a molded teak fiddle. The shelves are painted grey to match the existing hull lining and cut back behind the locker door to improve access.
The overall result works well and looks as though it has always been there.

